The IAM Service: Individuals

The IAM Hub works with individuals who want more from their current career. We support you to not only to identify some ambitious goals and reach them, but to go beyond what you thought success was. Whether you’re cruising along in your career looking for the next opportunity to pop up, searching for a foot in the door into your desired industry or simply keen to enhance your career further, The IAM Hub is your career companion for individual success. 

Skills Workshops

Enhance your skills with our face-to-face and online training session series, from presenting and public speaking with confidence to goal setting and networking for success.

High Impact Coaching 

Get dedicated support to reach your personal and professional goals through our individual coaching programme, supporting you to progress when you feel stuck and make changes to enhance your life. 

Development Programmes

Bespoke 1:1 programmes to go beyond your potential, providing tailored support in the short and/or long term from your career companion through face-to-face and online support.